European Mobility Week 2023 is undergoing, and this year the spotlight is firmly on the energy consumption and sustainability in Transport Infrastructure. As Europe continues its commitment to sustainable and accessible urban mobility, LIAISON project represents a significant step forward in improving transportation networks, reducing emissions, and enhancing the quality of transport for citizens and firms across the continent.
With over 136,700 Km of roads and 234,000 Km of railways, Europe has one of the largest transport infrastructure (TI) networks in the world. TI network needs to be permanently upgraded, which means huge energy consumption and waste production.
Sustainability is at the heart both of EU Mobility Week and of LIAISON, a EU-funded multi-faceted project aimed at fostering seamless connectivity between cities and regions. This ambitious undertaking seeks to address key challenges faced by modern transportation systems, such as reuse of waste materials, noise reduction, use of roads as energy production sites, and smart pavement management systems among others.
Key Highlights of the LIAISON Project are:
- a Dynamic Multi-Infrastructure Governance Framework (DMIGF), and a Risk-based assessment, providing support indicators and digital tools, in order to monitor the environmental impact of the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of Transport Infrastructure,
- seven potentially high-impact solutions on smart and sustainable beam, rigid road pavement, bioasphalt, smart and sustainable ballast, intelligent tunnels control system, photovoltaic guardrail and pavement management system.
- 5 demonstration sites: two in Spain, one in Italy; one in Slovenia, and one in Poland
- community Engagement: through dissemination and communications activities, LIAISON’s goal is to raise awareness on sustainability in TI. European Mobility Week 2023 is a crucial moment to celebrate the start of the LIAISON project and to engage citizens, policymakers, and stakeholders in the ongoing journey towards sustainable mobility.
Follow our social media channel during the European Mobility Week 2023 to discover how the LIAISON project is transforming the way we will move, connect, and thrive in our cities and regions in the near future.
19 September 2023
Featured photo: Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash